Wednesday, 14.09
Thursday, 15.09
Prof. Gianluca Tondi
University of Padua
Gianluca Tondi is associate professor at the University of Padua in the department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry. His research interest consists in valorizing the resource “wood”, to render it suitable for a wide range of applications: from bio-based polymers to innovative composite; from thermal insulation to biorefinery. His research is focused on the development of natural formulations with the objective to realize functional and performing bio-materials.

Prof. Alexander Petutschingg
University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Alexander Petutschnigg holds the head of Forest Product Technologies & Timber Constructions at the University of Applied Sciences Kuchl. As an expert in the field of forest products, his research activities deal with the processing, usability and characterization of bio-based raw materials for the valorisation of renewable resources.

Prof. Gudrun Reichenauer
ZAE Bayern
Gudrun Reichenauer is head of the Smart Functional Materials (SFM) group at ZAE Bayern, a non-profit research institute. Dr. Reichenauer´s team research efforts comprehend the development of smart functional materials, especially focusing on new scalable sol-gel-based routes for nanoporous systems as well as the investigation of their structure-property relationship. Furthermore, the group is modifying existing and developing new approaches to provide reliable, artifact-free and high throughput analysis tools for porous and particulate materials. Target applications of the aerogels/ xerogels (silica, organic-inorganic hybrids, carbon systems) and their composite counterparts are thermal insulations, functional additives or electrodes in energy storage and conversion.

Prof. Nicola Hüsing
Salzburg University
Nicola Hüsing is a professor at the Salzburg University in the chemistry and physics of materials department. In addition, she is Vice-Rector for Research and Sustainability at the same university, located in Salzburg city, Austria. As leader of the Materials Chemistry research group, she and her team have developed new preparative approaches to highly porous materials with a focus on sustainable synthetic routes. For several years, she has been working on inorganic and inorganic-organic hybrid materials that are in the foreground.